Logo by Astrella Nightsky

welcome to the sweet obsession bakery!
this cozy venue is as sweet as the name implies, as it is home to great food, bards, and people who are bound to bring a smile to your face.
Step through the doors to escape the Lavender Beds rain and head downstairs to warm up!

Zalera, Lavender Beds Ward 30, Plot 59Open Sundays
9pm est/ 6pm pst, soft close is 1am est / 10pm pst, but we tend to stay open later accommodating the crowd.
Feel free to join our discord group where you can follow for day of opening announcements:

syncshell information located in bakery discord.

Bards and the Stage

our stage is always welcome to all bards and bands alike.if you happen to see the owners on stage, please do not be afraid to message one of the staff if you'd like a turn!katari and vy'dar love to play the stage but always enjoy seeing fresh faces filling it.

About & Rules


this is a sfw rp venue so that goes without saying erp, bullying, trolling, drama, harrassment, will not be tolerated! consent is important!
if your behavior makes any of the patrons uncomfortable, you maybe approached by one of the staff members.

chat spam can be heavy in the bakery at times, so if a message/custom emote is missed, please do not be insulted. we are all doing our best to accommodate everyone. send a pm to the person, it might have been an honest mistake.
treat this venue no differently than how you would act in a irl cafe/bakery.


we do place table top items down for immersion, sorry if you happen to be in gpose and it boots you out. if we see the gpose symbol, we will try not to. feel free to contact staff so we can accommodate ahead of time.

OOC NOTE FROM THE VENUE OWNERSsweet obsession bakery and the thirsty suzaku have always been a passion projects to bring in people of the same like mind. Those who want nothing more but to relax in a safe and warm environment. So please help us continue to build the amazing community that we've begun to see blossom.

Bakery Menu

all menu items are free! we are just happy to provide a place of comfort.
tips are appreciated but not required.


● Espresso Con Panna● Triple Cream Coffee● Hot Chocolate *
● Doman Tea● Ishgardian Tea● Pixieberry Tea
● Matcha● Masala Chai● Steppe Tea
● Phenex Tea (Chamomile)  

● Apple Juice● Grape Juice●Spring Water
● Lemonade●Orange Juice 

* = Xazzified option available for beverage. (Extra sweet and towering high whipped cream)

Special:PIZZA"Packed with your favorite toppings and a plentiful serving of side dishes, this set is ideal for those who wish to prepare a quick and convenient feast for their friends, family, or free company. Once you've polished off the pizza, help yourself to fluffy popoto wedges, a refreshing salad, and crispy chicken wings."*Also let's not forget about Solyu's special hot sauce!! Are you daring enough to give it a try?(We will do our best to place your food items but since this is a large table item, we maybe only able to place the one!)


● Almond Cream Croissant● Apple Strudel● Baguette
● Bacon Bread● Baklava● Cheese Souffle
● Chocolate Obsession● Creme Brulee●Dark Pretzel
● Ginger Cookie● Honey Croissant● Honey Muffin
● Knight's Bread● Lemon MuffinLittle Sapphire Donut
● Peach Tart● Pineapple Ponzecake● Pixieberry Apple Pie
● Pixieberry Cheesecake● Rolanberry Cheesecake● Sohm Al Tart
● Sykon Cookie  

name day cake
( upon special request )

Meet the Staff



this viera is the owner of sweet obsession bakery. although she often tends to playfully bicker with her partner, vy'dar, she still manages the bakery with a level head and a warm smile. she's talented with musical instruments and busting down doors like a true boss.



a mischevious viera who you'll find occupying the kitchen as he whips up delicious food that brings comfort to both your stomach and your soul. if he's not in the kitchen, he'll be on stage playing a variety of tunes...or he's probably lying somewhere unconscious after annoying katari.

Owners bios were written by ariawyn ferrand
the tiniest au'ra around (and the one who pays the door repair bills)

Guess that tune!

This game is music trivia! The bard on stage will start off a song and it's your time to well.... GUESS THAT TUNE!
If you recognize the song, /yell the title and you will get 1 point. First one to /yell it out and get it correct, will be awarded the point. The band/bard on stage has the right to through in some curve balls!

Important!!! If you do not use /yell, your guess will not be valid and someone else may use that moment to snipe your point, so be careful! Yell only once and spelling is key!

"Bad Romance" - 1 point
The bard will play the song out fully, not stopping if it is guessed correctly. "Guess that tune" will go on for an hr, stopping after the final song is finished.

Please give us a moment to tally up the points and announce the winner in /yell chat. Remember to stick around, if you are not there to claim the prize it will go to the next person with the highest points.
PrizesRound one:1. Calfskin Leather Jacket2. 500,00 gil.3. 250,000 gilRound two:1. Magicked Bed (Mount)2. Urban Boots3. 250,00 gilHave fun!

"Guess  That  Tune" will start at 8pm pst/11pm est. This will only be running an hour!!
Second Round at 9pm pst/12est!
*Counter service may shut down during game time to focus.

Tower of Sweets

Would you like your name in the Hall of Sweets?! Let's see first if you can conquer the tower! (limited one try per visit!)


You must request from one of the staff members to play the game. They will bring over the tower and this must be completed solely. (if the bakery is too busy at the time, please have patience!)

Roll 1

in game you will type /random 25 and must roll higher than 5 to complete the bottom row!

Roll 2

in game you will type /random 50 and must roll higher than 25 to complete the second row!

Final roll

in game you will type /random 100 and must roll higher than 80 to complete the top row!

Did you make it to the top?!

First off, congratulation you won! Your name will be put below in the HALL OF SWEETS as a winner! Bet you're feeling pretty full after all that!On top of the fame you will be offered a minion of your choice from our random assortment and 100,000 gil as a prize.

Hall of Sweets

First winner:


Rolls: 10,43,87

Third and Fourth:

A'ria and Ely

A'ria Rolls: 15, 32, 88
Ely: 13,33,85
This couple took on the tower after losing on the first tier the previous week! They won together at the same time! Legendary moment!!



Rolls: 5, 44, 95(his friends cheering him along the whole way!)


looking for another sfw comfy environment? try these venues:

The Thirsty Suzaku, a hingan styled bar run by Vy'dar Dezson, is an extension of the Sweet Obsession Bakery! a sfw venue that will provide an open stage, inviting bards and storytellers from near and far to showcase their talents.

It's our go to spot!
Why not make it yours as well?
AFK Cafe is run by an amazing lalafell named kev. he offers a place of comfort, while being afk friendly. keep an eye out on party finder for that O.

Here in this cozy and casual seaside space is a SFW roleplaying venue where one can enjoy delicious seafood and refreshing beverages with friends new and old.

This apothecary shop is run by a beloved friend, known as ariawyn and her assistant, assistingway. if you have an ailment or want to settle in with a cup of tea and heartwarming conversation, please visit her shop.